Become the BEST THING THAT HAPPENS TO YOUR HORSE, by truly understanding their most basic needs, how they communicate and how they learn.

Yes! Welcome to my little corner of the internet! I am so excited about The Softness Training Vault I have created for you.

  • It is the home of all my articles, my videos, my audios,
  • It is where I dump my brain, sharing what I have learned over 50+ years of loving, caring and learning fromhorses.
  • Where I keep everything I want to share with you about cracking the code of becoming your Horse's Best Friend!


If you have been looking for ways to rekindle the fun with your horse, whilst staying safe and feeling connected, are in the right place!

First: Understand your Horse

Second: Become Best Friends

Only then can we starting thinking about teaching or training them.

With what you will find in this vault you'll develop a better understanding of how your horse thinks, how he learns, why he does what he does and how you can interact with him in a way that keeps him safe, soft and connected.

Easy to understand. Simple to implement... and no complicated jargon!

All of this:

  •  at a fraction of the cost of weekly lessons
  • without having to sift through endless posts and websites and groups
  • without needing a diploma in Equine Behaviour to unravel the jargon is some of the material that is out there.

The Vault has several sections to serve those of you that like to read about, or watch it, or listen to it.

  •  The Articles Section: This is where I dump my brain! If something is going around in my head, I love writing about it and will be storing it here for easy access.

  •  The Video Section: This is where I share videos that will have educational value for you. Some are of students with their feedback or being coached. Some of me with my horses. Sometimes I upload videos of my online courses, too. All raw and real! No fancy editing. It is also where I also keep recordings of live meetings that I feel might be of interested to you.

  •  The Audio Section: In case you like to listen to stuff - I have an audio version, too! This is where the recordings of my Facebook Lives are stored and I call them my Poo Picking Ponderings, because they are inspired by ponderings that arise while I am Poo Picking! (Only another horse lover would understand that name!)

There is something for you whether you are a newcomer to horses, a first time horse owner, a horse lover looking for softer ways and EVEN a professional horse trainer.

Updated Monthly!

And, if this isn't enough... I have an upgrade option for you:

The Vault's Inner Circle where you can:

  • enjoy access to me in our weekly live Q&A/Checking in Sessions.
  • be invited to be Live Interviews I do from time to time - yes! come and meet the experts with us
  • enjoy enhanced discounts to all my workshops and events - and have first dibs, too!
  • Be privvy to my personal videos, as I produce them
  • Be part of our Private Inner Member's facebook group for support, sharing, commadarie

Sounds amazing? The choose The Vault's Inner Circle option below.

I look forward to seeing you Inside!

Hi, I’m Monica!

I am a horse lover, a passionate teacher and a besotted Grandma (my grandkids call me Gramma Horsey!)

I have shared over 50 years of my life now with horses - and I am so excited to be able to share the product of my experiences with you.

I have worn many different hats in the horse world, helped many children and adults find the joy of horses and saved many troubled horses from an unhappy ending. I have several qualifications and certificates to show.... but my real value comes from what I have learnt from the horses... (sadly they don't hand out certificates!)

I am always observing and learning, always progressing, always discovering... and I have a knack of sharing this information in a way that is easy to understand, implement and assimilate.

I live in Spain, with my partner, 2 dogs, 15 horses and an array of foster dogs and cats that come and go as they need!

I look forward to meeting you and to being of service to you and your horse!

Join now from only 0.40 cents a day...and it will stay like that for as long as you stick around!

Once you join, I will never increase your membership. That's a promise!


When can I subscribe to The Softness Training Vault?

Anytime! And the price you join at will stay the same for YOU for as long as you remain a subscriber. So the sooner you join, the better!

Can I get a refund if I'm unhappy with my subscription?

If you realize you have made a mistake within 24 hours of joining, I will be happy to return your initial payment.

How long do I need to commit to the subscription?

After the first 24 hours, the ,mnimum commitment is 1 month. If you want to cancel your subscription, all you need to do is cancel your subscription BEFORE the next payment comes out.

If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact me on [email protected].